T H E R E   A R E   M A N Y   M O R E   P O S S I B I L I T I E S

You can choose from the standard offer or tell us what you need
and we will prepare a completely tailor-made program for you.
We can combine existing topics across the scale or come up with something that will be brand new.
Let´s talk and find out.


Would you like to know more?

Please call Katerina at +420 723 560 183


Train the trainer (facilitation skills for internal trainers)
Effective communication (not focused on assertiveness but similar)
Coach Yourself (coaching skills specifically applied on self-coaching)
Stress management and work-life balance (Destressifying techniques deeper dive)
How to manage your email before your email manages you (short productivity workshop)
Own your day, own your life (short time management and productivity workshop)


Combinations that would work really well together, for example:


Mindful constructive communication
2days Assertiveness + 1 day Mindfulness
In the Assertiveness Training, we talk a lot about the art of pausing and becoming aware of our own reaction, so we cover basics of mindful communication. 1 day of Mindfulness training would add deeper understanding and (that is important) offer very practical guidance how to build mindfulness practice and become more and more aware of what is happening not only in communication.


Essential leadership toolbox
1 day Leadership + 1 day Assertiveness + 1 day Coaching + 1 day Presentation
This combination would create really good understanding how and why true assertiveness is an essential part of leadership; and would provide very practical tools to leaders for healthy productive communication. Coaching on the other hand is an essential tool in good leader´s toolbox.


Healthy and strong leader
1 day Leadership + 1 day Mindfulness with Stress and Time management Essentials (focused on Owning your day, becoming more focused and productive, more in a state of flow and less in a state of pressure; cultivating healthy balance and sustainable high-quality productivity)


 Please, read these combinations as examples. In fact, many other combinations are possible.



1-2day Training inspired by the work of Brené Brown "Daring Greatly and Rising Strong".
This training could be presented as "Advanced Assertiveness" and the main emphasis of this training is helping people understand how to stay strong, cultivate courage and be the best version of themselves in every situation. The main idea of this training is that if you are brave enough, often enough, you´ll inevitably experience some kind of a fall. And that is where "Rising Strong" becomes important. So that we learn how to process failure to learn from it, and become stronger and wiser than before.


1 day Training called „Authentic Success" or „Success Intelligence" inspired by the work of Robert Holden, famous British coach. I was trained by Robert in London in his 5day certification program.
The basic idea of this training is that we all long for success and we all work hard to get it. But not many of us ever took the time and effort to find the answer to the essential question "What success really means for me?" So many times we work hard to achieve success that is defined by the culture, marketing pressure or the influence of our parents and not defined by us. This leads to frustration and dissatisfaction in the end. This training helps you find the answer deeply grounded in your authentic values and desires and sparks a new level of energy and success.


This training can be used as an advanced training for anybody who knows me or has been through some experiential work already.



Tailor-made coaching program for regional top management;

 How to empower proactivity, ambition and ownership across the leadership team

 Tailor-made program for QRQC managers in production plant

 How to accept and fully own the role, assertiveness essentials, leadership essentials

 Tailor-made program for line managers (top management team) in IT company

 Combination of presentation skills, Mindfulness, How to communicate bad news

 Individual coaching programs F-F or online



With modern technology in place I can offer trainings online, via zoom (www.zoom.us). It can be a nice support element in the learning process. I´ve delivered these trainings so far:Mgr. Katerina Kryllova

1 year long program for McKinsey & Company – developing coaching skills for internal mentors
Short 60 minutes webinars focused separately on:
 Practical mindfulness,
 Handling criticism with ease and grace,
How to say "NO" without feeling guilty


Mgr. Katerina Kryllova - Profile
Optimum setting:
2 days, max. 12 participants
Other options: 1 day intensive or 3,5 hour inspirational workshop

Let us know what you need and we will be happy to design a program for you.